authorSTREAM is an online content sharing service that allows viewers to view and share PowerPoint files that have been uploaded by its registered members. You can Upload your presentation and share the link with your friends; embed in your blog, discover presentations on just any topic or post a comment. authorSTREAM is for everyone:
- Educators who want to deliver their presentation to students over the web.
- Entertainers who want to reach out as many people as they can
- Friends and families who want to keep in touch by sharing their picture slideshows and greetings.
- Colleagues and classmates who need to exchange content such as homework assignments etc.
What kind of presentation files does authorSTREAM support?
authorSTREAM currently support PowerPoint files (PPT & PPS format) only.
How can I send feedback for improving authorSTREAM? Whether you like authorSTREAM, or you have an issue to report or you would like to see new features and further improvements in it, we would love to hear from you. If you have any feedback about authorSTREAM, just mail us at
Why cannot I see any slideshow in authorSTREAM player?
You need Flash 8 or above installed on your computer to be able to view an uploaded presentation. Registration:
How do I join authorSTREAM?
Registration with authorSTREAM is all free. All you need to do is:
- Click on the link marked ‘Register’ made available on the homepage.
- Enter your first name, last name and email Id.
- Enter your unique name for authorSTREAM to be used as User ID. Check whether entered user ID is available on authorSTREAM. If it is not, you can enter an alternate User ID.
- Enter your password and confirm in the next field.
- Clicking on the button marked ‘Register’ successfully accomplishes the registration process. You are then intimated via email.
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