Here are what you can do.
- Create your own ranking. You may make your version of an existing ranking topic, or you can start a new topic if you don’t find what you are interested in.
- Write about your perspective. Why do you think Matrix is the best movie, not Star Wars? Why do you have Kimchi in your ‘Best foods’?
- See other people’s(or rankrz’) rankings. Appreciate the different tastes and perspectives. Don’t get mad because your #1 is somebody’s #30 (or top of the worst). If there were no differences, there would be no point of many people publishing “Best Movies”.
- See how personal rankings add up to an overall ranking. Sometimes we are interested in somebody’s opinion, but other times we care about majority opinion. Maybe you want to know the best mobile phone to buy next time? Or simply curious if people really agree with “Best companies to work for” you read in the newspaper last time?
- Discuss about a ranking. This is probably the best part. ”Why do you think Beatles is better than Rolling Stones?”, or “Why do you think Microsoft is the best company while many people say they are going down?”
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