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2007/07/11 - A Combination of Digg, Netvibes, Messenger, PageFlakes and more


Streamy is a community RSS reader which combines the functions of few other powerful sites out there like digg, netvibes, pageflakes, etc. It also allows users to communicate with each other via text messages as well as sharing links and news.

Here’s what Streamy can do, quoted directly from but to get a really good idea on Streamy, watch the Streamy video after jump.

  • Browse stories by topic, subscription, and other various combinations of (we call these combinations “streams”)
  • Create filters (like Google Alerts, but browsable) to get streams of stories based on keywords
  • Drag and drop to share and manage subscriptions… Choose from multiple UI themes
  • Use instant messaging, instant sharing, and real-time presence on multiple networks (internal and AIM currently)
  • We integrate services such as Twitter, ATOM blogging, additional IM networks
  • We are built on only open source software, including CentOS, PostgreSQL, LightTPD

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